I decided one day a few years ago that I wanted to ride in a hot air balloon. So I created a Bucket List and wrote it down. On my 60th birthday, my sweet daughter gave me tickets for a ride for 2 – she said it wouldn’t be fun alone (she is right!). It actually took me 2 years to get the ride scheduled and yesterday was it! What a Perfect Day! Let me share it with you.

Getting the Basket Ready – It is a lot bigger than I was expecting. There will be 16 on the ride, plus the pilot.

Getting the Balloon Ready – they actually drive the trailer away to unload the envelope. When it is fully inflated, it will be about 9 stories tall.

Almost completely inflated – this was the best shot of the whole thing I could get since it was time to get in the basket!

Away! It was kinda scary getting loaded because the wind came up at the wrong time and the balloon wanted to lay the basket down. We we all leaning away, putting all weight into it and the crew were hanging on the outside. Got the blood pumpin’

Those cows were sooooo little. And it would look like they weren’t even moving. They were really loud, though!

See those trees? That’s what we landed on! Good thing, though, because we were going in pretty fast. I say the trees broke our fall. Afterwards, we were picking pieces of tree from each other’s hair.
Glad you finally got to enjoy your ride. It looks like you couldn’t have had a better trip.
You are right! I can’t imagine a better experience for my first balloon ride!
Great pictures! What an awesome memory to have. Bet you two really had a good time experiencing floating in the sky. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Brenda! It WAS awesome!
What a great gift!
Yes, Susan, it was!!
Great pictures, looks like you both enjoyed it. 🙂
Yes, we did! And I would do it again!
Awesome pictures! I had such a great time. I’m so glad we got to do it together! My bucket list is getting lots of checks due to you! Love you! ~Jacqui
I think we need to add to our lists! 🙂