OK, after a couple of years of no posts, I am determined to start blogging again. To catch you up, I moved to a SKP Co-Op park in Hondo Texas in November 2019. I still had my fifth wheel and I became a co-op member on Lot #1. I filled the shed with all my crafts – and I mean FILLED. I don’t know how I was able to keep it all in the fifth wheel.

Then, one year later, I purchased a “destination trailer” from a member that was leaving and rather than move it to Lot #1, I moved to Lot #82, which also contains a nice shed that I am currently trying to squeeze all my crafts into (where does all this stuff come from????). I love the coziness of my trailer (it feels more like a house than an RV) and as a bonus, it has central heat and A/C.

At about the same time that I moved to Lot #82, my brother Bill showed up at the park with his wife (and my best friend), Susan, and their dog, Tito. They actually bought my fifth wheel (their motor home is up for sale) and joined the waiting list to buy a lot. In the meantime, they are renting a lot here. Like me, they love the area, which is quiet and peaceful. We have plans to travel during the summer, starting with a trip up the East Coast all the way to Maine this summer. For now, we are enjoying each other’s company and take turns cooking dinner each night. More on the family later!